First Lady Gaga stood up for all the Nerds in the world and now Glee is bringing the Nerds back to life! It looks like being a Nerd ( yes I mean nerd with a caputal N) is even hotter than being... well.. Hot!! thank God I'm a Nerd. I'm suprised that it took television, radio and fashionistash took so long to see that Nerds need some support, but now they get it! Let's hope that highschool would be better for Nerds..Let's hope so!
These days you have to think big to be big. The H&M have been thinking and were very clever to make a closing line against Aids. Go H&M! check this site out:
I've just watched the season finale of Gossip Girl and I don't think I can sleep anymore!!!
My heart was beating so fast I though I was going to pass out! Let's hope Chair (Chuck and Blair) will get through this and marry and have 5 children! =)
If you haven't watched I won't say anything, but I will say this: Dead is closer than you think!
We all know L.C. (Lauren Conrad) from The Hills, where she cries and has awefull Girlfriends. But now she has a book, a clothing line and a good BF! I don't know about you guys, but I just keep falling in love with her!! Lovely! Let's hope Heidi learns that, just like Lauren, you don't have to get all plastic in Hollywood! Just write a New York Times best seller!!
'It's been two years, and in two years amazing things can happen' Says the new trailer of Sex and the city 2. Well the proved it!!! Just when you thought Carrie was happy with Mr. Big... Aidan is back!!! This means we have to choose on whose sight we're on and I choose for Team Aidan! He is waaaaay cuter than Mr. Big and a lot more fun! What will happen? I can't wait to watch the move!
I wanna eat everything these days... It's not good, because I will eat everything! Pie and cookies are on the top of my list. It's sucha problem beacause once you started eating you can't stop! I always say: Just one won't hurt anybody. But the point is that it won't be just one..
Here are de delicious stuff that's on my mind. Hope you can resist.
above: This pie is best made by my grandmother! Just delicious!
Thought I couldn't breath without you, I'm inhalin'. You thought I couldn't see without you, perfect vision. You thought I couldn't last without you,but I'm lastin'. You thought that I would die without you,but I'm livin'. Thought that I would fail without you, but I'm on top. Thought that it would be over by now,but it won't stop. Thought that I would self destruct,but I'm still here. Even in my years to come, I'm still gonna be here!
Mind blowing
Read my mind Free your mind Lost your mind Georgia on my mind Empire state of mind